Foot collective

Join the Den of Smelly Feet


This is the name of our first project.

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Ideas for Rescue

The main character gets sent from world to world, rescuing people from foot domination.


Vanquished: I've got started on the self-rescue. click on it to go to it.

  1. Self-rescue. First she has to escape her own situation.
  2. Rescue Jimmy and Lily from Kira and Heather.
  3. Rescue Amanda from Clara.
  4. Rescue Sigite from Gabi.
  5. Rescue Polly from the bitches of bling.
  6. Rescue Tina from Alice.
  7. Rescue Maya from Sonia.

Main character.

So who is she? Name, physical description, personality... Does she like feet but hate being enslaved? Does she just hate it all? Strengths and weaknesses?

OneAuthor says: I believe she should like feet up to a point, but can definitely be overwhelmed by them. And she should hate being enslaved.

Vanquished: I think this is a good idea. This gives us the potential for different foot domination scenarios, from willing, to reluctant, to forced...

Since this is a Den collective project, maybe she could be called Denna?

Attribute Value
Name Denna
Species human
Age 21
Size medium
Height slightly tall
Constitution slim, curvaceous
Gender female
Hair red, long, ponytail
Eyes green
Skin fair
Skills martial arts, dimension jump, knowledge of who needs her
Flaws overconfidence, obsessive about the mission, can only jump worlds at the right moment
Attitude to feet enjoys them up to a point, can be overwhelmed by them, is ashamed of liking them

L1ght's ideas:

I'd make the protagonist a female; simply because I prefer F/F. I'd also make her a regular, good old, boring human, since all those other stories have just humans in them as well; though the idea of making her maybe literally an Angel, maybe a fallen Angel who has to redeem herself for some mistake, could also be pretty interesting.

Vanquished: sounds good.

With that idea in mind, I'd make her some 21 or 22 years old, medium-sized all around, maybe a bit on the slim, slightly tall-ish side, good looking but with medium to small sized curves. Somewhat long-ish hair that is tied in a tail when on missions. Reddish-blonde hair color maybe, or just plain red. Or reddish-brown, some shade of auburn. Very fair, light skin, blue to green eye color or somewhere in-between.

Vanquished: let's go with that for now.

I'd also give her around average sized feet which possess the ability to sweat (and thus smell) under the right circumstances, but not overly much so. ...just in case.

Vanquished: hmm, possible.

For names... Possibly Felicia or Vanessa. Unless we wanna go all over the top exotic and name her Brynhildr or something, which I would be fine with, as well ^^

Vanquished: prefer Denna just as a representation of the whole Den's writing universe, and also because I like the name, but I'm flexible on this one.

Personality/backstory wise; yeah, I'd say she somehow got herself "stuck" in a situation where some seriously stinky feet of one or several girls/women were forced upon her and she fought back for a long while, couldn't break free and then that awoke in her. Maybe some sort of super-power for some reason, maybe some sort of divine blessing, whatever. As such, she is rather obsessed with the ideas of heroism, justice, defending the weak and all that good stuff, to the point of being a bit fanatical about it. Since she realized she now has the means to use these powers, she made it into her quest to free all victims of stinky feet abuse etc.

Vanquished: yeah, that's pretty much the sort of thing I was imagining.

About the powers themselves... I think mainly, I would make the power be her being able to track where her next destination/target is as well as being able to "teleport" herself there. I would also give her some kind of fighting skill, maybe just martial arts skills, nothing really overly crazy.

So yes. Strength: Fiercely hot, burning spirit of justice, prone to great ambition, savior of the burning world and humankind alike etc. etc. Weakness: In the end just one single person with above average fighting skills but overconfident, possibly prone to overestimate herself.

Vanquished: I've incorporated most of that to the character description. At some point we may make a page for her and start writing some of her intro scenes perhaps, or dialogue.

On 2019-09-05 21:31:44 UTC IFLF added:

IFLF’S (hopefully not terrible) ideas:

So one scenario I thought of is perhaps in one world or such in order to escape the protagonist(s?) find themselves in a perfume shop in which the “perfumes” smell like rancid foot odor. And now must dodge ruthless saleswomen who are dead set on making them absolutely reek and perhaps make them sample the smell “straight from the source”.

Vanquished: sounds like a good idea. Maybe Denna's world-travelling fails/gets mixed up and sends them to the wrong world, or they have to go through this world to get to the place they need to be in.

Second, perhaps an employee must be rescued from essentially a foot stench brothel in which doms pay to stink up the “lucky” employees with their horrific soles. In addition every employee must wear a collar meant to dissuade disobedience by giving them a concentrated dose of foot sweat/odor to endure. With varying levels of foulness and intensity to match the offense. The owner is a red headed Russian woman with blue eyes who fancies herself as royalty, fittingly named Catherine. Her feet are also by far the worst in the brothel. Unconscious employees are often dragged out of her office by higher ups wearing gas masks after she’s had some private time with them. In addition gas masks are provided to all higher ups and clients. They are optional (or required when dealing with Catherine personally) but almost everyone uses them, after all it’s the job of the employees to suffer the stench, not anyone else. The objective is to rescue Donna, the latest employee a black haired girl with brown eyes, who is utterly revolted by feet. Hopelessly indebted to Catherine, she’ll otherwise be stuck there forever. The other employees have long since abandoned any hope of escape. Some beginning to legitimately enjoy their work. This is due to the foot odor collar. Attempting escape is the highest offense and as such requires the highest punishment. The collar goes to maximum, Catherine’s feet, and gives the attempted escapee enough doses of her stench to knock them out, typically two or three.

Vanquished: Also sounds like the sort of mission Denna would take on. Wold need to flesh it out more. Which employee, what is she like, etc.